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"The original application was filed on June 29, 2005.Charles Byrne, Salisbury, Wiltshire, has Yves Saint Laurent Shoes an insole.The patent has been assigned to Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, Salisbury, Wiltshire.The invention carries International Patent Publication No. GB2464309 on April 14.The original patent was filed in United Kingdom under application no. GB0818633.0 on Oct. 10, 2008.Split-Sole Slipper, #206 Split-Jimmy Choo Private strappy sandal slipper with full leather upper and suede sole forefoot and heel patches. Loshins Dancewear Shown: #108 A split-sole ballet shoe with soft leather upper. Features shock-absorbing forefoot and heel insole pads.Wear the right socks. If you wear a thick pair of white crew socks when trying on a dress shoe, you'll only buy a pair that's too big. Get sized. Jimmy Choo red snake cusp pumps mirella-dance Mondor, Ltd: #57004 A split-sole slipper with leather upper, suede leather insole and Jimmy choo sandals suede red lining.

Par feiyu le samedi 27 novembre 2010


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