Christian Louboutin of natural gas demand

The study's main conclusion was that economic and environmental factors should push Yves Saint Laurent Shoes gas demand to more than 4 trillion cu m/year by 2030, from about 3 trillion cu m currently. Under the green-policy scenario, however, Jimmy Choo peep-toes Slingback light golden energy demand would reachbillion toe/year in 2030.Results of a major study by the International Gas Union of natural gas demand out to 2030 formed the basis for an extended panel on the first day of the 24th World Gas Conference in Buenos Aires.The study's main conclusion was that economic and environmental factors should push global gas demand to more than 4 Jimmy Choo Platform Crisscross Sandal cu m/year (about 141.2 tcf) by 2030, from about 3 trillion eu m currently.The study also concluded that a global political agreement to put a high cost on carbon dioxide emissions and to encourage renewable energy "would only be economically successful" in combination with an increased Jimmy Choo Platform Crisscross Silver grey Sandal of natural gas.

Par feiyu le mercredi 01 décembre 2010


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